So I had to wait for the event to pass before I could display any of my work. But I got to create a lot of stuff for our department's open house called Lab-apalooza. The theme and pieces are based on Lollapalooza and everything that was created had the same feel.

This was the poster I created for the event.

This is a flat view of a two sided invite I created. It was passed out by hand to all the executives in the studio. It got a lot of attention and is going to be submitted (along with photos of the event) to Fortune Magazine as part of DreamWorks Animation's application to qualify for one of the top 100 best companies to work for.
Below are some photos of the event.


Co-worker, Tim with my signs in the background

Table set ups

Our department head, Randy wearing one of my spiffy name tags

Art Demos in the new art space